Gospel News Global lawlessness, Armenian Genocide, Turkey, Caliphate, Erdogan, Syria, USA, Cameroon, Fulani, Pastor John Yoon, Islam, Sign from God, Pakistan persecution, Christian persecution, gospel news, Prophecy news, Advocacy, more from Warn Radio | Warn-Usa.com

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Gospel News Global lawlessness brings you the WIBR/WARN Radio Endtime Report and commentary. Today we find Global lawlessness, even in America. Today we focus on Armenian Genocide and the congress. Further the potential Genocide in Syria with Kurds, Yazidis, and Christians in the eye of the Erdogan storm. For a NATO nation, his love is in the fact he is willing to slaughter people who simply want to live free and in peace. We look at Christian persecution, the miraculous, and other items as we have time.

Gospel News Global lawlessness -This the WIBR/Warn Radio Endtime report and commentary.  This Endtime report features advocacy for the Persecuted church. In addtion we focus on Genocide that is a threat or potential threat or ongoing. Further we focus on Israel, America, and world news in relation to prophecy.  Warn Radio is an outreach ministry of the WIBR, Watchman Institute for Biblical Research. For over two decades we have been teaching, preaching, and warning America and the nations of things to come. Visit Warn-Usa.com or DanaGlennSmith.com