Gods Deliverance brings us to this week's Gospel News advocacy. Here the shaking of nations, Christian Persecution, and Gods deliverance moved ahead with Gods favor and power. While the world maybe blinded to the true Gospel, many are finding deliverance and their own miracles. Make no mistake here, as believers, we are carrying on the work of Christ.  We challenge the world with our message, bind the devil in the details, and bring in the captive and set them free in Jesus 'Yeshua' Christ name.  While the persecution rises and falls, the nation's shake in chaos, we see God's deliverance going forward and His Gospel ever true to the Lord's work.



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Gods Deliverance through the #power of the #HolySpirit and the #WordofGod, even today has reached the #nations of men. The battle is on both to bring #deliverance to the people, but also to cast out Satan, binding those who are bound by his trickery and deceit. There was not a doubt of the power of #JesusChrist, the #deliverance of #HisGospel to free those bound, nor of the #Persecution that persisted. Today we carry on the #Word of #Gods deliverance at the hand of those who have seen and experienced the power of #Christ demonstrated as the #Gospel was preached. Today Gods Deliverance is there for all peoples, races, creeds, and nationality to find this #Salvation.   #GospelGo2023 #LeastofThese #GodsDeliverance


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