Militants anti-religion, Nigerian attacks, Liberal tech attacks, No pro-life, No Christian gospel, Situation critical, Nigerian radio, Christian refugees, Killing Christians, Pakistan Acquits, Chinas virus story from Warn Radio | 

Global Gospel Turmoil covers the Turkish ISIS of Erdogan in Syria. Plus we cover the tragedy of the Rohingya Christians. We also over the propensity of radical hindus or islamists to persecute Christians. Then we find money and liberals using their opportunity to stop conservative views, block Gospel preaching, and take every opportunity to bring their policies into the public square. If we have time more on Pakistan aquiting Christians, Christian refugees, Nigerian gospel radio, and Chinas virus story all from the WIBR/WARN Radio.

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Global Gospel Turmoil rages from America to China and into the middle east and onward to the United Kingdom. As never before the turmoil has reached epic proportions. Groups are using tech to prevent other views from being seen on major networks or events. Radical hindu's or Islamists are persecuting Christians. In fact this turmoil is in your face. Yet, Christians will not lose, we have overcome.

 To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website