Flaming Fire Revelation arrives at Throne of Iniquity part three on Warn Radio. Today we see an increase of the persecution of Christians, along with the rise of wickedness, deception, and outright evil. It grows daily, even here in America. The Lord died on the calvary's cross so that man would be spared the second death. The redemption of man through the atonement provided by Jesus, Yeshua on the cross is also joined by Grace. God's grace will not last forever. But for now, you have His grace to repent and follow the Lord. 


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Flaming Fire Revelation depict the coming of the Lord. Even Peter addresses the truth that the "heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat"- 2nd Peter 3:12 KJV. Today the world is focused on many things like global warming. If they are worried today, well they will be weeping and wailing at that moment. However, the #SonsofGod will be revealed when the Lord Comes as well. We shall be like Him, the Son of God, #JesusChrist; "we know when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is" -1st John 3:2.  It will at that time be that we will behold the Revelation of the #Lord and associated with this is "Flaming Fire" as mentioned in Second Thessalonians chapter one, verse 7. It is good if you repent before that event occurs.  #FlamingFire, #Revelation, #SonofGod, #Yeshua, #JesusChrist


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