Fear Not are the words that Israel should have paid attention. They had a God who listened, but Judah delved into idolatrous practices on her own. Falling away from the Lord they were sent into captivity. But they are now out of that judgment and the prophecies we look at are now speaking directly to the issues at hand. For Israel, a decision to fully follow the Lord is paramount. Opposite that is the world's folly of Idolatry. Even Today the nations of men have many idols like technology, knowledge, and the worship of earth and the stars. Which are but a few compared to the many vain idols people have today


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Fear Not in a world full of fear and death. These two words, Fear Not combined make for a fearful tone in today's study.  But the #Prophet continues to say "neither be afraid". He reminds the listeners that he had told them. Isaiah chapter forty-one, verse twenty-six saying "Who has declared from the beginning?" Israel's history proves this at #Sinai. Again, as #Israel went into the Land. Idols are no threat. They do not hear. There is only one who will bring and fail not. Only one who declares, and it comes to pass. That is further proved by the fact #God says "Is there a God beside me? Ye there no God; I know not any" found in Isaiah forty-four, verse eight. These words lead into the prophet’s declaration of the #vanity and #folly of #idolatry! #Fearnot


To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website/ http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com