Faithful unto Death Messages to Seven Churches Pt3| | WIBR/WARN Radio

Faithful unto Death - in part 3 of Messages to the Seven Churches we begin with Smyrna. In fact, as we look at this church; Christians around the world face the same predictament. For us today these messages are the Lords authority overall the church, the called of God found in Christ Jesus. He warned us the World would hate us because it hated him. Today we find his words, ever so true.

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website

Faithful unto Death -Many fear these words, faithful unto death. Yet in Revelation 12:11 we find that those who overcame [past tense] did so by the "blood of the Lamb [born again disciple], the word of their testimony [confessing Christ before others], and they loved not their lives [martrydom] unto the death!" We find in Smyrna a church whose words given them from the Lord are that they would have "tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death". .