Faith, Endurance, and Salvation finds the truth and the #miraculous amidst #violent #persecution. It is here that going into all the world seems impossible to do in the flesh. Unless that flesh has the #SpiritofGod, been #redeemed, and is #fulloffaith. The #CostofFaith and the Cost for those going in the name of the #Lord #JesusChrist is not for the #faithless or the #faintofheart. Today as America falters, falls, and gets up again, her enemies are right now within the America many of us have grown up in. The #FaithofJesus is not only fought against overseas, but also here in #America we find that there are many who politically and physically would fight to destroy the #Faith of many #Americans today. | #Faith, #Endurance, #Salvation, #Persecution, #Advocacy, #Violent, #Persecution


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