Declaring His Generation is this week's catch phrase of the suffering, enduring, and redeeming effects of the Lord Jesus, Yeshua as he went through the death on the cross. Then the resurrection and the triumphant work which sets all those free who believe on His name and work. Isaiah brings the entire story to light in this glorious section found in Isaiah chapter 53. Today as our world and our own nation called America face the end of days, prophecy is coming to life faster than ever. We sit on the precipice of the fulfillment of all things that our Lord told us.

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Declaring His Generation was left to the #Apostles after the #Lord was #crucified, #dead, and #buried; then resurrected and finally ascended to the Father. The group has several days to figure out what happened. The Lord had told them all these things to come. Including his #resurrection, yet the shock of events had to grip them. When he appeared to the group of Apostles, I can imagine the relief and joy they had. It had to be unbelievable to have #witnessed all that happened to the #LordJesus#Christ through the #cross and its #sufferings. Yet, it brought #redemption to man, #healing, and reunion to our #GreatGod and Father. #JesusChrist triumphed over all #principalities and #powers. Today we can also rejoice that in Jesus’ name we are more than conqueror's. | #DeclaringHisGeneration, #ChristJesus, #Gospel, #sufferingservant, #greatsonofdavid, #YeshuaHaMassiach, #Hehasredeemed#, #ThyWatchmen, #Zion, #KingdomofGod

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