Days of Old brings a valid point for all people everywhere who look to the #LordourGod and #JesusChrist our #Lord and #Saviour. That is, we can recall and remember the good old days. For some there are no good old days. But for the #HouseofIsrael, which was divided into two houses, Judah, and the #NorthernTribes; sin had separated them from the relationship and #blessings of #Jehovah. But there was a time just as Isaiah recalls saying in Isaiah Sixty-three verse eleven saying "Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the #shepherd of #hisflock? where is he that put his #HolySpirit within him." The whole context of the verse brings to the forefront of the difference between #Judah then and now as #Isaiah points out. The question is pertinent to the place where they wound up, captive in Babylon, losing #Jerusalem, the #Temple, #Priests, #Prophets, and the #LandofPromise. Then being #restored. #DaysofOld


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