Day of Calamity acknowledges the Throne of Iniquity belongs to the chief architect of darkness, rebellion, and lies. While wickedness is increasing, make sure the base of righteousness is also moving forward. The truth about darkness is that it cannot stop the light, especially the Light of our glorious Lord and Savior, Yeshua, Jesus Christ; the Almighty mentioned in Revelation chapter one. We see the summation of Revelation in chapter twenty-two and it assures us that the victory will be brought forth and the Devil and his minions will be found guilty and cast into the lake of fire.  


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Day of Calamity is mentioned in the Torah. Deuteronomy chapter thirty-two and verse thirty-five begin the context of this word Calamity. The world today is #lawless and many #believers and unbelievers in Jesus Christ can see that something or some power is flooding the earth with filth. America especially has been filled with lawlessness and corruption.  We can see as well there is a War on Righteousness by certain powers of darkness. But truth is the power of the wicked cannot endure. Gods power always prevails even as the wicked principalities and powers gather, make covenants to accomplish their wicked plots. All the while, the righteous call upon God to deliver them from this evil. Today through the triumph of Yeshua, Jesus Christ on the cross; he has triumphed overall principalities and powers. | #WaronRighteousness, #DayofCalamity, #FlamingFire, #Revelation, #SonofGod, #Yeshua, #JesusChrist


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