Book of Hebrews Son of God Cloud of Witnesses Pt20 on Sound the Shofar

Cloud of Witnesses Book of Hebrews Son of God Cloud of Witnesses brings us to Pt20 and chapter twelve. We will finish a few verses in of the Faith chapter moving on to deeper waters. Herein lay the example of Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. We know he endured the cross, despised the shame, and is at the right hand of the throne of God. He died for our sins and suffered; yet it says, "who for the joy." Let us pursue Christ and bring his message to the world, for the Joy of knowing our Savior and Lord.

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Cloud of Witnesses surround all of us. But as this chapter follows the faith chapter, we acknowledge those #Witnesses. Be sure there are many who have gone before us. They are witnesses as everything unfolds. Those on earth that surround us are also witnesses to the offer of #eternallife through #JesusChrist our #Lord. The unseen realm is full of both the #Angels of #God and of #demons; they also are witnesses to what is going on. The stage is set, the lights are on, and the #prophecies move forward. As the crowd in rapt attention beholds the children of men living daily. Full well known to the witnesses is the battle of light and dark; good and evil. But #ChristJesus [ #Yeshua ] already triumphed overall #principalities and #powers. In him we are more than conquerors. #CloudofWitnesses


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