"Babylon the Great" Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt19 on Battle Lines | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio

Babylon the Great is a mystery, very prophetic, and very dangerous. The Spirit of lawlessness and uncleanness pervades who she is. It is a habitation of Devils and hold of every foul spirit. It is everything that God is not!

It is hard to believe, let alone describe the details of that great city Babylon the great. We can go back in history and find Babylon who were major players in the destruction and captivity of Judea and Jerusalem. But this modern Revelatory city of pride, culture, technology, and sin is so much more. The root of her destruction, however is her sin and the pride which carries it worldwide. This modern city has managed with the Spirit of Uncleanness, the Harlot who has ridden the beast to glory; to be one of the most infamous cities in all scripture. It is a major player in the last days of mankind.