1st & 2nd Timothy 'Soldier of Christ' Pt7 | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio
Books by the Watchman Dana G Smith!

A Nightmare storm is brewing, and it comes from hell. Riveting thriller, Great Read! Steel the Darkness http://bit.ly/2uvloTM-christian-mystery

Chilling Book Incognito reveals a ruthless, corrupt, and evil struggle to deceive you today, check out Incognito from the Watchman Dana G Smith http://bit.ly/2NmwW2J-incognito
Stalwart, enduring hardness, found in Jesus Christ; Paul urges Timothy on in the Faith.

If you ever thought being a Christian was easy, think again. What part of stoning, being burned alive, murdered by mobs around the world today don't you understand. These occur daily! Yet we find today that in those arenas of battle; people get saved, healed, and the miraculous occur. Paul today urges Timothy in the faith at the time of the Roman power rule over the known world