Apocalypse: Johns Revelation of Jesus Christ Pt8 "Three Woes" on Battle Lines | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio

The Culmination of the Seven Trumpets is the three "Woe's" which describe the perilousness of the last three Trumpets!

The last verse of Chapter 8 says “Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels which are yet to sound. It is this which introduces to the next terrifying event. The bottomless pit is about to be opened and the beast locked there will wage war, a destroying angel “Abaddon” once released will use his army in conquest.

The four angels at Euphrates about to be released and the interlude between the sixth seal and the seventh takes place. It is here we find the “mystery of God” is mentioned along with the “Seven thunders” who uttered their voices but what they said was immediately sealed. John could neither write nor speak it. This leads up to the “wrath of God” portion of the great tribulation!