All Things Possible with God meets the reality of the nations of men as instability and chaos finds its way through the world with no respite. We are reminded though with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. This week we find highlighted areas of Afghanistan, Sudan, China, the Middle east, and the continued war against the nations of men by radical Islam. In all, one closer step to the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, Yeshua HaMassiach.

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All Things Possible with #God and we as #believers should never forget it. #Worldwide we see #lawlessness, #wars, #bloodshed, #deceit, and more. In this midst of this we find believers and #non-believers caught up in the net of the end of days here on planet earth. For many there is nowhere to run when chaos and fighting erupts in their villages, towns, and nations. When #regionalchaos erupts then the world suffers as the people leave to find help and safety. We are reminded as Christians that with men it is #impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Here it is impossible with men. This covers lots of ground, but for the believers and our God then we see #allthingspossible with our #redeemer and #Lord. When #hopelessness and #lawlessness seems to have a strong foothold, only God can heal, restore, and bring the believers victory.

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