Abundant Pardon finds its way in Isaiah this week. The target is the call for the wicked to forsake his wickedness and the unrighteous man his thoughts. Here is the emphasis to return to the Lord and the Lord will pardon him. Mercy here in the Lord is non-judgmental with the goal of healing the backslider and the wicked. Healing, health, restoration, and blessing is the goal of the Lord here. But this call being prophetic is also looking to those to whom the redemption and forgiveness is foreign. Fast forward and find today's gospel open to all people. The promises in the prophets and the confirmation found in the Apostolic doctrine which the Lord taught the Apostles is seen clearly here. But also if we consider the section of Isaiah here about the deliverance of Judah from captivity is also about this same mercy and restoration.

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#AbundantPardon is a term connected to those who are usually guilty, in jail or prison. Then someone like a governor or President can #pardon or #forgive those people. By Law then, they are freed and are now deemed to be free of the charges. All #humanity today is under the same kind of guilt. Beginning with the #SinofAdam, humanity fell. But thanks to #God through #JesusChrist there is an Abundant Pardon for anyone who comes to the #Lord and seeks His face and asks for a pardon. #Gospel good news today relates that in this section of #Isaiah. Gods’ mercy has always been there and the pardon through Jesus Christ and His #atoning #death on the cross has made a way for all humanity 

To get the Books from the Watchman Dana G Smith go to his website http://www.DanaGlennSmith.com