1st & 2nd Timothy 'Last Days Perilousness' Pt8 | www.warn-usa.com | WIBR/WARN Radio
Books by the Watchman Dana G Smith!

A Nightmare storm is brewing, and it comes from hell. Riveting thriller, Great Read! Steel the Darkness http://bit.ly/2uvloTM-christian-mystery

Chilling Book Incognito reveals a ruthless, corrupt, and evil struggle to deceive you today, check out Incognito from the Watchman Dana G Smith http://bit.ly/2NmwW2J-incognito
We have witnessed first-hand here in America the division, hatred, and bitterness. Further we have seen society crumble from any true moral foundations. If ever the nations of men were moral; they surely are a distinct species today.

The Last days described by Paul telling Timothy his son in the faith what these days would be like is a most revealing truth here. In the Apostles time, the last days had arrived. The Apostles spoke of this time and we can see that the Apostle John tells those he writes "Little children it is the last time" -1Jn 2:18. It is a very hard to bear time period, which has lasted over centuries since the early Apostles. Yet there would be a very Last time or Last days of all the days of men on earth.