Greetings Rainbow Warriors,

I’m coming to you today from Ojai, California. Tomorrow marks the celebration of two important events that I want to make sure you’re aware of. Summer Solstice and the 4th International Day of Yoga.

Our guest today is Soma Temple.

A 35-year resident of the powerful and holy Island of Bali, Soma Temple is truly one of Bali’s Sacred Goddess’s.

Both with her unbreakable faith and her determination to fill the world with love. A dedicated pioneer of the Rudraksha movement and one of the founders of the world's new appreciation for Malas. An incredible mother, friend and mentor, Soma is a warrior of the light in every sense of the words.

Soma Temple is the Priestess of Rudraksha Beads, with a special story about how she became so. In this interview, she tells her story and she explains the purpose of malas and how to use them, as well as the significance of that sacred number 108.

Join me in Soma’s sacred puja space in her home in Bali for an intimate discussion about these sacred subjects.

You can find Soma’s business online at