Today’s guest is Ebony Smith aka The Ghetto Guru, world renowned yoga and mindfulness instructor and founder of Yoga N Da Hood (YNDH), a non profit organization dedicated to making wellness accessible to everyone. (in short they teach yoga in the hood) YNDH is one of the fastest growing non profits in Dallas, translating how wellness is implemented across cultural and social economic barriers.

Growing up in inner city Dallas, she knew first hand what it means to be at a disadvantage. She then learned the power of thought, and that what you think will truly cultivate the life you live.

Ebony is an inspiring example of how yoga can heal and transform your life. She went from getting fired from every job she’d ever had, an alcoholic, misfit;  to traveling the world teaching yoga and mindfulness and inspiring others to be the greatest versions of themselves. From college drop out and pill popper to speaking and teaching at Harvard Medical School, Essence Festival, SXSW, Bali, Canada, Jamaica, and all over the USA. Contracted by Wanderlust, United Way Dallas, Texas Women College, Paul Quinn College, City of Dallas, DISD and other major corporation and institutions to motivate and inspire students, staff, human beings to be the greatest version of themselves.

​From her website Ebony says:

I am a soul that continues to flourish through all, I am the flower in the concrete, the bloom in the dead of winter. I am truly your reflection. Changing my thoughts changed my life and continues to everyday in every moment in and out of time. It is a powerful tool for living the greatest version of your life. These tools and strategies are taught, not birth given, allow me the honor of creating a space for growth and well being for you and yours.

I hope you enjoy this interview and getting a taste of the enthusism for yoga that turned Ebony’s life around, and continues to be the gift that keeps on giving as her business is growing quickly, meeting the needs of s sorely underserved community.

I was honored to meet her and spend this time with her at the Bali SPirit Festival.

Take a listen and be ready to be inspired.

Enjoy and namaste


Ebony Smith

Yoga in da hood
