Greetings from Bali my beloved rainbow Warriors! The monsoon season is upon us and today I saw some of the heaviest rain I’ve seen in my life, and that is saying a lot as I grew up in Hawaii :)

And speaking of Hawaii, today’s guest and I have that in common, which makes it pretty funny that we had to go all the way to Rishikesh India to meet each other.

Our guest today is Katie Fisher. Katie is an Artist, activist, musician, healer, a practitioner of Chinese medicine, global traveler, facilitator of sound healing.

I met Katie at the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh. I was immediately drawn to her sound healing classes and her set of rainbow wands, or tuning forks as they’re called actually.

I attended some of her classes and became more an more intrigued with the techniques she was teaching, and how she was connecting the practices to yoga.

We touch on a lot of different topics in the interview like about yoga, Marma points and Acupuncture, the chakras, the Solfeggio frequencies, Cymatics, sound healing, medicine resonance, and Vibration as a healing frequency.  Katie shares some of her toys with us so listen closely and please do your best to ignore the background noise. We sat down in a quiet place or this one and soon after got flooded with some noisy neighbors, so please bear with it because later in the interview we get to some really juicy nuggets you don’t want to miss..

Katie has a sound healing school in Hawaii called

If you’ve been trying to make sense of all the talk about frequencies. Like 432Hz and the Schuman frequency in music these days, you will get some answers in this show.

Don’t forget to check the show notes for links to Katie's website,, and also a great youtube video ink of another informative interview with Katie.

And, if you haven’t jumped into my community group on facebook yet, you are invited. I’ve really activated that group and am doing daily lives sessions in there, teaching all kinds of visionary lifestyle topics, and even doing some live podcast interviews in there. That’s the Visionary Lifestyle and Podcast Community Group on facebook. Please do check it out and come say hi.

I hope you find some inspiration and practical tips and maybe even experience some sound healing through the tones that Katie shares.

Enjoy and namaste


School in Hawaii

Great youtube interview with more of Katies