Todays guest is Jonathan Fritzler. Jonathan is co-founder of The Mind Lab, an organization that researches the latest in neuroscience, Coherence, Consciousness and quantum theory, to develop innovative frameworks for personal leadership and engineering the future.

The Mind Lab is a process that uses the scientific method as a framework to help leaders plot a clear trajectory towards their goals. Jonathan has hosted workshops in over 25 cities globally with participants reporting increased clarity about their future, more energy and confidence to achieve their goals, and new insights into who they are becoming in the future.

Jonathan and I met at the New Earth festival in Bali where he was presenting a workshop, and fortunately, we found time to sit down and have this chat. We talked about how to bring consciousness to business, and he defines and explains how he works with Divine sacred strategy. He spoke about how he’s teaching entrepreneurship and intrepreneurship.

This conversation is in essence, about how to create right livelihood, meaning, making your work in the world benefit not only yourself , but also be of service to the world.

Right livelihood is a concept that came to my awareness about 15 years ago when I was regularly attending services at Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. I can honestly say that learning about this changed the trajectory of my life. Being of service and benefitting others through the work I do really appealed to me, and helped me focus my intentions in this direction. Out of these ideas, Visionary Lifestyle was born.

So today I’m happy to be bringing this concept to you through this conversation, and Jonathan is an excellent guide to help you on that path to creating a business that is truly your souls purpose. Jonathan asks: “ What is the value that you are bringing to the world?”

He goes into some practical steps you can take today to move yourself forward on this path of sacred activism.

I really enjoyed this conversion with Jonathan and found myself being really inspired as a result of it. I hope you have the same experience.

As usual, you can find links to all we talk about in the show notes on iTunes  as well as on my website at and again my personal intstagram to see behind the scenes photos and follow my travels is @visionary_lifetyle_guide and please also follow the show on IG at @visionarylifestylepodcast

Namaste and enjoy….