Aloha Rainbow warriors. I’m coming to you from Morocco today. I’m here soaking up the sun and sea wit a beautiful soul tribe, and I couldn’t feel more blessed.

How are you guys doing? Send me an email and tell me what you’d like to hear about on the show, I always love connecting with you guys.


Todays guest is Rob Webber, also known as DJ Raio

Rob is a self described cultural creative. He’s a music producer,DJ,Musician, Father, land steward and is a co-founder of the Bali Spirit Festival, which celebrated it’s 10th year this year. Rob also curates all the music at the festival.

We met up at the Yoga Barn in Bali after the festival, to talk music, ecstatic dance, , the power of kirtan, sound healing, culture, and the incredible magic of Bali.

Show notes for links to Rob’s work: