Namaste Rainbow Warriors!


I’m dropping you a quick line to let you know that I’m not going to be able to publish shows for the next couple of weeks.

I’m currently in Barcelona ,Spain, and going to an event in the desert where I won’t have access to the internet to get the shows out to you.

There are two more episodes coming up from my second season, which was all recorded in India. I was hoping to get those all out before the break, and even start publishing two shows a week, but guys these shows are taking me 10-20 hours of work per episode, and while working and traveling and without any help on post-production, I just can’t keep up as much as I’d like to.

I have more than 50 recorded episodes in the pipeline for you. They’re all with the most amazing people in Bali, Thailand, California, and New York  and can’t wait for you to hear all these amazing conversations!

If you’re finding value here, I humbly ask for your support. If I can get a few more patrons on my patreon page, I can hire some help and get these out to you sooner!


Please visit that page at , where you can make a small recurring donation. Or, if it suits you better, there’s a paypal link on my website for one time donations. That’s at

Your support means the world to me, and let’s me know that I’m not putting in all this effort in vain and of course helps me cover the out of pocket costs for producing the show, and get the episodes out to you in a more timely manner.


If you can’t make a financial donation, writing a review in itunes, and sharing the show on social media and with your family and friends, are other ways to share the Visionary LIfestyle Love.

I’m so grateful you’re here, and listening, and hopefully finding value that is helping to activate YOUR highest potential.

