Welcome to season 3 of the Visionary Liiestyle Podcast! I hope you enjoyed last season, and all those interviews I did in the Motherland of India.

This season was all recorded on the island of Bali Indonesia.

I’ve been hearing about Bali for years, and now I finally understand what the fuss is all about. Bali has a vibrant spiritual culture, and it seems like the whole island is one big heart chakra. Arriving there just after the rainy season, Everything was lush and green and felt so full of life force energy, or as we call it in yoga, prana.

I was fortunate enough to attend the Bali Spirit Festival where I met and interviewed a lot of activated presenters. I spoke to yoga teachers, famous conscious musicians, healers, and the founders of the festival itself.  You’ll hear the sounds of Bali in the background, and hopefully be inspired and empowered by these conversations.

I have loads of episodes recorded for this season and several more, that are just waiting for post production. I’ll be getting them out as fast as I can, and as always, I look forward to your feedback.

I encourage you to spend some time on my website, look through the blog posts for previous episodes, and listen to the shows that call you. I hope you’re finding value here. It’s truly my heart’s desire to provide content that uplifts, inspires and empowers you to activate your own highest potential.

Visit visionary-lifestyle.com/podcast, and you can email me there through the contact form. Tell me what you like, what you want more of, and any burning questions you have about the yogic lifestyle.I promise I’ll respond personally.

I’m recording this episode in Spain just outside of Barcelona, where I just attended the Barcelona Yoga Conference.  I’m traveling the world to bring you conversations with some truly bright  lights in the world.

I hope you’re enjoying these shows as much as I enjoy creating and sharing them with you. It takes a substantial amount of time and effort to produce these episodes, and some out of pocket expenses, so as always, your support is appreciated. You can review the show on itunes, share it with your tribe, and when possible support with a financial donation via paypal or patreon.com/visionarylifestyle.

And if you haven’t already, head to my website to sign up on my newsletter, which will automatically get you my free Conscious Eating ebook. I’m sharing a lot of videos and fresh content from my travel journey on both my facebook page and instagram account so make sure you’re on my list to be notified.

As always, I’m so grateful for your presence here. You showing up to receive the content of these conversations is like a practice in self love, and hopefully soul evolution and empowerment.

Thank you rainbow warriors, for all you do to contribute to bettering yourselves, and the world.

I love you
