In this solo episode, I'm chatting about...

The art of honest self-auditingThe TV show I am watching that highlights the importance of a growth mindsetHow the entrepreneurial journey is similar to the highs and lows of professional golfersAn update on WAVE: The Mastermind (a group for female business owners that I launched with a professional Mindset Coach, Emily)Hiring a coach to help me in rebuilding my pelvic floor post-pregnancyThe importance of questioning our current situationHow falling off our goals is a part of the journey, and how critical it is to recommit when that happens (& seek accountability and support, when needed)


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Feeling lonely as a Female Entrepreneur? Check out The Mastermind |

Feeling overwhelmed with your Marketing & Online Lead Generation? Learn about Marketing Coaching |

Rank on Page # 1 of Google with Everyday SEO™ | 

Visionary Mama: Fresh Content About Pregnancy, Fertility & Entering Motherhood |  

Online Course, Complete: 1 Day Even in Guelph

The Wave Mama: Coming Soon!