This week, I’m sitting down with my friend and visionary method alumni Krista.

On Instagram as @kristako.rd because her last name is slightly hard to pronounce, she is the go-to resource for dieticians who want to amplify the success of their business.

Krista founded the Dietitian Success Center just 6 months ago, and has already grown it to almost 200 members - and I wanted to bring her on to the podcast to share more about her journey of navigating her career as a dietitian, and taking the “unconventional” route even when it felt challenging.

In this episode, Krista and I chat about…

What she did when she first graduated from schoolHow she was able to go freelance and match her corporate salaryThe simple marketing and lead gen strategy that she used to begin her 1:1 coaching practiceHow the idea to launch the DSC came to be And success tips for anyone launching an online business or membership

p.s. Whenever you’re ready, there are a few ways that we can get to know each other better…
