Well this was a super fun episode!

Have you guys been down the YouTube rabbit hole lately and stumbled upon one of those 73 questions videos?

No? Just me?

Okay well I loved watching them. This type of “get to know you” is something I often want to do in real life when I meet people so I can accelerate my friendship with them, but that might come across super weird.

I don’t know that everyone is down with my creepy level of curiosity haha.

This week on the show, I’m sitting on the other side of the mic and my friend Stephanie Long who is also a business coach is putting me in the hot seat and I'll be answering each question, so that you can all get to know me a bit better.

It does feel strange to release an episode like this (the little voice in my head keeps saying “nobody cares” but then I remind myself that if I love watching other peoples, then someone will enjoy listening to mine).

Perhaps you’ll realize we have lots in common, and if so - please reach out and let me know which of the 73 questions we had similar responses to. I’d love to hear from you over on Instagram @kelseyreidl

Big love going to Steph for agreeing to this crazy idea of mine. If you go check out her podcast “Next Level Nutrition Biz” you’ll be able to find her episode of 73 questions at some point in the future, as well.

Let the questioning begin!





p.s. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways that I can support you

Join me on Instagram for “behind-the-scenes” stories, strategies & the occasional slip-up, click here if we’re not connected

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