As I write you this intro, I am listening to the most beautiful song called “Little Things” by today’s Visionary Guest, Alli Walker.

I’m in a complete love-fest with her music right now.

Alli is quickly garnering the attention of the country music industry with her unique style of music that she coins 'Mindful Music' and 'Conscious Country' which is authentic and vulnerable storytelling based on mental health subjects, empowering messages, life’s hard lessons, and the tough questions we ask ourselves.

Her songs are literally vibrating my soul during this unsettling, challenging, and eerie time of COVID-19. I’ve had my positive days, I’ve had my worried days, but each day… you can bet that music is playing a MASSIVE role in managing my mood.

That’s why I am so thrilled to share this episode that I recorded with Alli Walker. It should be noted that this WAS recorded pre-covid. Alli came to my office in Toronto and we recorded side by side, before the social distancing restrictions.

Alli may be a musical artist, but more than that, she’s an ENTREPRENEUR. She’s a beacon of light. She’s a hard worker with a vision that will inspire you through your headphones.

Alli Walker is a Prince Edward Island raised singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who moved to Toronto when she was 19 to ‘chase the dream’.

Now with hundreds of shows played and songs written, she is proud to have released her Top 10 iTunes charting debut album called ‘The Basement Sessions: What I’ve Learned So Far’ and  she has been named Top Country’s ‘Top Female Artists of 2019’.

Be sure to grab your phone & screenshot the episode, sharing it on IG stories for a chance to win some VISIONARY swag.

You can find Alli online at…

Find the full show notes & prep notes at…




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p.s. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways that I can support you

Get mentored by me. The VISIONARY Coaching Programs are designed for creative, driven and ambitious women like you who want to make money doing something the love, while regaining their freedom & sense of joy. Click here to learn more about coaching.

Double tap this Social Media Course. The world is going DIGITAL and I want you to be a part of it! Whether you want to make extra income as a Freelance Social Media Specialist, or just want to learn Strategies to Grow Your Brand Online… you’ll love this self-study course called VISIONARY Social Media!

Learn the Visionary Framework. If you’re thinking about starting an online business (or are in the early phase of building your brand), book a free (re)vision call with me and I’ll show you step-by-step how I built the VISIONARY brand