Today on the show we are chatting with a human who seriously kicks ASS.

Chris Crawford is the CEO of Kick Ass Media, but he chooses to go by the job title of Founder & Fearless Leader… and that he is.

Chris was a high school dropout who has built up 6 figure printing and marketing business called Kick Ass Media,  that does printing and creates displays for marketing campaigns and experiential events all over Canada and the U.S.

They’ve worked with clients such as Indigo, Disney, City of Toronto, CTV, TD, Much Music  and other multi million dollar companies to create kick ass event branding and portable displays.

But Chris wasn’t always on this path.

With his visionary spirit, his determination to succeed and willingness to learn through failure, Chris followed opportunity when it arose, and was never afraid to change his path and take on the next challenge.

You’re going to love this episode because not only is Chris an incredible example of going from being in debt and not knowing when the next paycheck was going to come in, the having a thriving media company with a team of extraordinary people… but Chris is also someone who develops his mind each and everyday in order to consciously pursue his continual improvement.

He’s a huge fan of morning routines, Tim Ferriss 4 hour workweek, finding purpose and passion in your work, coaching people to follow their highest vision, self teaching the skills you want, developing a positive culture within the work space, busting through fear, and always tweaking his leadership to become BETTER.

I had no idea what to expect, not knowing Chris before the interview, but I can truly say that he is a visionary who makes a big impact on everyone he meets.

Enjoy the episode with Chris from Kick ass media.



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