Entrepreneur and yogini, Arianne Om, is dedicated to helping people in the yoga industry turn their passion into a self-full career. In this episode of Visionaries we explore Ari’s journey early on as a yogi traveling the world, the steps it took go beyond a studio and leaving her traditional job to pursue her entrepreneurial passions.


Ari has worked hard to build her brand and holistic coaching business. Her credentials and certifications are beyond impressive. She became the first AcroYoga teacher in the SE United States. 


“Every time I'm in a classroom, and I ask, "How many of you guys, has yoga changed your life?" Every single person raises their hand.” - Arianne Om


#yogipreneur #holisticcoach


Helpful programs mentioned in this episode:

Arianne’s website The Bizzy Yogi Arianne’s Instagram Arianne’s Facebook 


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