“Will I be a good teacher?” “Do I have enough patience?” “Will my kids be behind?” Whether your kids are beginning the school year with remote learning from home, or you’re developing your own homeschool curriculum, these are the questions swirling in the minds of many moms this summer.  This episode does not seek to advocate for one education approach over another, but rather, to help you decide whether homeschooling is a good fit for you and your family.  Deciding whether to homeschool your kids for the coming school year can be intimidating and overwhelming. If this has been on your heart, but you’re unsure of whether it’s the right fit for you and your family, then today’s episode is for you. 


Enter veteran homeschooler, and mother of 3, Olivia Rutkowski! Olivia shares with us today how she made the decision to homeschool her now 8 year old child over 5 years ago. Although her homeschooling decision was unrelated to covid, it was also not one she had planned on her whole life. Olivia walks us through her decision making process, and how she ignored the naysayers. 


“But what if I screw up my kids?” Olivia shares this is a totally normal fear that every homeschooler ponders from the beginning. Homeschooling is not permanent. So if it doesn’t work out for you or your kids, then you can always re-enroll back in your public school. Check your state’s education website to make sure you’re complying with the formal process of withdrawing, declaring your intent to homeschool, and re-enrollment, but at the end of the day, your decision to homeschool can always be undone. Olivia shares that if you love your kids, and you are reasonably intelligent, then that’s enough to homeschool. You and your family know what is best for your kids, and no matter what, you will make the right decision. No child will be behind.


To learn more about homeschooling, or to receive support and personal mentorship from Olivia Rutkowski, please email Olivia at: [email protected].


Exciting news! A new section of Aligned & Balanced is open now for registration! This small group, high touch coaching program is designed to be a 12 week coaching program, with a minimum 4 week commitment to begin.  Program kids off August 11! 


Prepay for all 12 weeks and save here! https://andrea-seeney-1531.mykajabi.com/offers/X8MJhfC7

Or save your spot and pay month to month here! https://andrea-seeney-1531.mykajabi.com/offers/rzo6eYKW 


Email me: [email protected] to see if Aligned & Balanced would be a good fit for you! 


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