First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on April 24th 2022

This week’s show started off, appropriately enough, as something of a mystery, as I wasn’t quite sure when we started off what SANDY McGREGOR was going to take as our topic for our latest television-themed prompt, so it was quite pleasant to find out that he really wanted to investigate the tropes, clichés, and golden rules that are used in the course of the average television crime drama, and, whilst I know crime drama is a subject we keep on returning to here on VISION ON SOUND, it’s always a joy to take a look at another point of view on it, especially when so much of the history of TV drama has been spent looking for clues about, and the reasoning behind some of the worst aspects of what humans can do.

It made for a jolly hour that, quite frankly, whizzes by quite joyously, so just think of this as the pilot for that hard-hitting, up-to-the-minute, classic, yet modern, atmospheric, thoughtful, action-packed, mindless, cerebral, yet devil-may-care investigative series involving McGREGOR AND HOLMES INVESTIGATIONS as we stumble down into various dark cellars, fail to  switch on any lights, forget to call for backup, and generally remain baffled, hand over our guns and badges, until the penny finally drops and we unmask the villain that was the name at the top of this week’s guest star list, all courtesy of our FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL Time Transporter and its distinctive custom paint job, if you’ll give us just twenty-four hours, or even just the one, captain, and we’ll have this whole thing wrapped up.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.