First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on March 13th 2022

A few months ago, I was joined by PAUL CHANDLER, THE SHY YETI, for an episode in which we discussed his ideas of what he thought of as COMFORT TELEVISION, and, because I enjoyed that episode so much, and, perhaps, because I think that exploring aspects of good mental well being perhaps ought to be one of the things we occasionally try to do more of with this little show of mine, I asked during that show if anyone else fancied coming on to talk about the same sort of thing, especially as so many of us lonely humans are sitting more and more frequently inside our own individual boxes, turning to our televisions and radios for comfort, and seeking out the familiar and the favourite - those safe, marvellous programmes that we know will transport us, however briefly, to our happy place.

Anyway, LISA PARKER, one half of the team behind the rather excellent ROUND THE ARCHIVES podcast got in touch and, over the course of the next hour, we take a short tour through some of her fond memories of – amongst other things - a childhood spent mere inches from the TV screen, a New Year’s Eve spent with Basil Brush, people getting Tudor England wrong, tissue-wrangling through CALL THE MIDWIFE, and how you can never find a Mr BRONSON when you need one.

So, snuggle up in your various blankets, huddle around your sonic devices, and maybe, as we travel along this path give some thought as to what your own comfort viewing may be, and, should you ever wish to share what your own COMFORT TV choices are with the rest of the VISION ON SOUND community, let me know.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.