STEVE HATCHER is back to guide us over to the flipside...

First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on January 14th 2024

What better way to welcome in another year than to take a time travelling journey to the flipside? We’re another year nearer to the future, and one further away from the television that we tend to talk about the most here on VISION ON SOUND.

Anyway, to start us off on our latest brand new shiny adventure, this week we welcome back STEVE HATCHER, and we’re going to talk about a pair of eccentric entries from the later era of PLAY FOR TODAY that rather flew in the face of some of the more usual type of stories that tended to get told in that series, by being rather clever little SCIENCE FICTION time-travel tales attempted on a BBC budget.

These were the 1980 play THE FLIPSIDE OF DOMINICK HIDE and its sequel from two years later ANOTHER FLIP FOR DOMINICK, which told tales of a time-travelling future society visiting the strange and mysterious world of the 1980s, and the interesting outcomes that such visits caused.

Starring, amongst others, PETER FIRTH, CAROLINE LANGRISHE, PIPPA GUARD, and PATRICK MAGEE, the plays were written by JEREMY PAUL and ALAN GIBSON, from an idea by ALAN GIBSON, who also directed, so it was very much a labour of love for them, and certainly the original play was a very well received example of the sweeter side of science-fiction storytelling, and has some strange connections with some other pop culture icons, as STEVEN will explain.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.