First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on December 31st 2023

It’s New Year’s Eve and everybody at Fab Towers is off doing whatever it is that they might do to give the ratty old year the old heave-ho, and welcome in another one with its fresh clean slates and all those opportunities to be different that rarely come to pass.

Anyway, here on VISION ON SOUND we didn’t want to try anything too heavy or “in your face” (or should that be “in your ears”?) to see out 2023, so tonight’s show basically consists of returning regular guest PAUL CHANDLER, THE SHY YETI himself, and me simply sitting around and having a good old natter about a few things prompted by one or two of the telly-related things that have cropped up during the year just gone.

So over the course of this amiable and relaxed hour we’ll give some thought to the consequences of PAUL’s on-going journey through the YouTube archive, and the additions it may have prompted me into getting for my own shelves, tiptoe briefly around the fact that all of DOCTOR WHO is now on the iPlayer, consider the possibilities that the CHEWITS monster could have had on INVASION OF THE DINOSAURS, meander inevitably down RAMSAY STREET, and mull over the enjoyment (or otherwise) of comedy on the old tellybox.

It’s New Year’s Eve, my friends, so we’re taking it easy, relaxing, and, perhaps, trying for once not to be too incisive or informative. So why not park yourself upon your handiest soft furnishing, grab a little early evening refreshment, and start off what can turn into a long evening, by spending it with us, with not even the merest glimpse of the White Heather Club, probably…?

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.