First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on September 24th 2023

This week, all the way from THE SHY LIFE PODCAST, PAUL CHANDLER, THE SHY YETI himself is back here on VISION ON SOUND because, well, he had an idea that he thought that I might like to talk about for the show, and knowing - as he does - that I’m always eager to grab at any such demonstration of enthusiasm from the team, he suggested that I might like to try it out.

So, basically, PAUL asked himself the question about what sort of Archive TV he might be able to see if he was up and about and away from home and didn’t have his extensive collection of television with him. What kind of programmes, essentially, could he watch on a website like THE TUBE THAT IS YOU that might just scratch that itch when he was far, far away from the shelves of YETI TOWERS…?

Over the course of several evenings he picked out a few random choices of single stories from four American television series that were popular in the 1960s, and whilst narrowing this down to choices from a single decade might not be quite as completely random as he initially planned, it does give us the opportunity to return to this theme on another occasion by selecting shows from another decade.

Anyway, future planning aside, the four very popular and successful series PAUL chose were THE INVADERS, a QUINN MARTIN PRODUCTION from 1967 which featured ROY THINNES as ARCHITECT DAVID VINCENT in an era of deep paranoia when you had to have a responsible profession in order not to be a complete “ALIENS ARE HERE” spouting crackpot, apparently.

After that he ventured into THE WILD, WILD WEST featuring ROBERT CONRAD and ROSS MARTIN, before taking a VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA with RICHARD BASEHART and DAVID HEDISON, and ended up being BEWITCHED by SAMANTHA the urban witch as played by ELIZABETH MONTGOMERY.

For THE INVADERS PAUL picked out THE TRIAL from the second season, from THE WILD, WILD WEST, he chose THE NIGHT OF THE SIMIAN TERROR from late in the third season, and from VOYAGE he picked TERROR ON DINOSAUR ISLAND from the second year. Finally, it’s a pair of fifth season offerings from BEWITCHED, that he chose, in order to keep the running times consistent, the two-part story COUSIN SERENA STRIKES AGAIN.

So if you want to watch the specific shows we’re talking about after the programme, at time of recording PAUL found all of these episodes on YOUTUBE, and it’s always a joy when I can present a show where my guest has done all of the homework.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.