First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on July 16th 2023

It’s been rather too long since we last heard from our Canadian Correspondent RICK LAWLOR on the show, so when I did finally manage to remind myself of this and get in touch, it was a joy to find out that he was still keen to contribute to the show, despite those pesky time differences that can sometimes make finding suitable moments to record slightly difficult to organize.

But RICK was still keen, even if it meant rearranging our dates and wondering about whether any time lag in the question and answer process might mean adding those NASA style BLEEPS to the end of every sentence and calling each other Roger all of the time.

Neither was necessary, of course, but that moment of nostalgia did remind me that we’d never done one of our EARLIEST TV MEMORIES shows with RICK, and so that’s what we decided to talk about, and I think that if your own TV memories feature POGLES’ WOOD, NORMAN WISDOM, BASIL BRUSH, JACKANORY, VISION ON, THINK OF A NUMBER, ITC series like RANDALL & HOPKIRK (DECEASED) and PLANET OF THE APES, or if you’re someone who just likes to cosy up and watch TV with your own nearest and dearest, I think you’ll find the following hour a rather charming one to spend in his company.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.