First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on November 13th 2022

This week we welcome back the ever popular SHY YETI, PAUL CHANDLER, chief wrangler of THE SHY LIFE PODCAST for another of our meandering rambles around the highways and byways and forgotten short cuts of this complicated matrix we think of as the universe of archive, and not quite so archive television.

The idea behind this week’s show is that I’m going to give PAUL the keys to his very own metaphorical Museum of Television in which he can give pride of place to some of his favourite programmes, all divided for displays of the mind inside various collections, galleries, and storerooms.

And for the first of his galleries, he chose to discuss his favourite COMEDY DRAMAS and pick out those that he would preserve for the public to meander around and gaze in awe upon.

Whether or not we quite managed to keep to the topic in hand is, as usual whenever we get to the job of nattering, debatable, but I hope you’ll enjoy the next hour as we flitter about talking about all sorts of things from the shocking revelation of PAUL not watching television as we once knew it at all any more, to the frustration of not being able to get some shows on a collectable format.

However, this discussion does cover a wide range of shows from the brand new ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING, via almost forgotten gems like CLASS ACT, to the long gone delights of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. Inevitably, because it’s PAUL, he touches upon some of his regular favourites, including the Australian Soaps, and BERGERAC, as we stroll around the museum space thinking about how best to set up the displays.

Well, that’s my excuse, anyway.

The Museum is yet another new strand we’re thinking of pursuing with other guests on VISION ON SOUND, and, as ever, I’ve been using PAUL as a guinea pig to see whether the idea works, so if you feel like setting up your own metaphorical museum of the mind do get in touch through TWITTER via @visiononsound1

PAUL will hopefully be back another week to consider what he might put into another section, but for today, let’s vanish into the Comedy Drama section of a television museum as imagined by a very SHY YETI.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content sometimes has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show.