This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes New York Times best selling author of The Shell Game, Steve Alten. 

Steve Alten is a best selling author and gifted story teller and The Shell Game is Steve Alten at his best.  Exciting and entertaining, and yet so informative, The Shell Game has the potential to bring 9-11 Truth to a much wider audience.  Please consider purchasing your copy today at your local bookstore, online bookstore, or directly through The Shell Game website.

The Shell Game is "...a fictional thriller that deals with very real life and death issues that affect all of us.  These include PEAK OIL (are we running out?) and the events of 9/11 that led us into a war in Iraq.  The plot of the book extrapolates from both of these issues (and others) in order to show the reader what a dangerous path the world has been placed upon."

Intermission music by Contents Under Pressure.
Ending music by Kevin Boyle.