Hr 1 - Recovering journalist Susie Madraktalks with Investigative journalist Russ Baker of Follow him and the team @whowhatwhy.
In his newest book, Family of Secrets - The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years - Baker provides the stunning counter-story to George W. Bush’s new book.
Hr 2 -
Jay Ackroyd talks with Rob Roper about his Maine Republican roots and the party of, then, Senator Bill Cohen and Congresswoman Olympia Snowe, a very different party than the party of Paul LePage. Jay and Rob will use that as a jumping off point to discuss the balance between partisanship and governance.

Rob Roper currently hosts 'Common Sense,' a Vermont radio talk show. Involved in local politics since moving to Vermont in 1998, he has served as a Media Relations officer for a U.S. Senate campaign, Executive Director for the Vermont Chapter of FreedomWorks, Executive Director for Vermonters for Better Education, Chairman of the Vermont Republican Party.