Moderator: Bryan Littlefair, CEO - Cambridge Security Advisors
Speaker: John Wallworth, IT Security Leader - Virgin Care
Speaker: Mahbubul Islam, Head of Government Transformation - Government Digital Service
Speaker: John Rouffas, CISO - Go Ahead Plc

In a rapidly evolving digital world, the CISO role has also evolved. Cybersecurity is a concern at the highest enterprise-level and CISOs are taking on stronger leadership roles in response: setting cyber risk strategy and integrating with the business to advise and educate colleagues on the importance of security.

While managing security technologies, monitoring threats and protecting assets remain vital functions, the new CISO is also working towards a change in business culture, fostering an environment of security awareness and shared cyber risk ownership across their organisation.

This panel session discusses how CISOs are taking on a more strategic leadership role to support business leaders and create a culture of cyber risk resilience across the enterprise.