
(0:00) Intro
(4:10) Article
(10:18) Tfue
(11:43) The Complaint
(13:38) eSports is Big
(17:03) Faze Clan
(21:10) Talent Agency Act
(25:10) Abstract
(26:10) Declaratory Relief
(29:25) Faze Clan Response
(30:10) Sponsorships
(31:05) Material Breach
(32:20) Breach of Contract
(33:52) Breach of Agreement
(38:22) Kick Out the Contract
(39:10) Section 16600
(42:02) California Attorney Blog
(46:45) Exclusivity
(47:16) Talent Agency Contracts
(48:45) Restraint of Trade
(49:40) Right of First Refusal
(51:55) Money Have Received
(53:02) Breach of Fiduciary Duty