On this episode of the Virtual Frontier, we have Bernd Geropp. Bernd is a C-level executive coach. Bernd, Manuel and Daniel had a conversation about leadership in uncertain times or within a crisis situation/period.

Are great leaders born that way, or can everyone learn to be a great leader? How can a great leader support his followers/team through difficult times and keep up a good spirit? Are companies and individuals prepared for a disruptive VUCA world and what could possibly be done about that? Bernd and Manuel discussed the answer to those questions and many more.

If you like to find out more about Bernds work, you should visit his website
Follow his outstanding english podcast:
Leadership Made Easy
or the German version of the podcast
Führung auf den Punkt gebracht

You want to learn something new? Check out the website Daniel mentioned in this episode, were you can find 600 free online courses from international recognized universities around the globe.

You can find out more about FlashHub and Virtual Teams as a service at Flashhub.io

If you're in Germany, don't miss Virtual Teams Live Experience from FlashHub on December 12th, 2019. There will be keynote speakers talking about different aspects of new work as well as food and drinks. Only a few spots are available so register now!