We've seen it before: a sudden divorce, a death in the family, a catastrophic illness, or maybe it's even a national tragedy... Something horrible is requiring your colleague's attention and they are ... not handling it well. Here is how you love on them and support them through this. 1. Plan for them to miss deadlines. 2. Lighten their work load for however long they need and your team can handle it. 3. Ask them what they need and then give it to them to the extent you can. 4. If it is true, assure them that their job is safe. Also, you may feel any of the following: -that they are taking advantage of you -that they are taking too long or not enough time to deal with their issues -that you don't want to ask too much of your colleague or team member in this moment I'll share with you how to deal with all these feelings. A quick pitch: It's time to gear up for year-end fundraising! Don't try to sell the unsellable, and don't wait until the last minute to get your appeals out. Join our 2-week fundraising intensive and get yourself ready! Click the link below for more info or email becky at virtual executive director dot com. Link: https://virtual-executive-director.teachable.com/p/5-steps-to-fundraising-success/