Stoner Virgo, get ready for an intriguing June.  Mercury and Saturn are in retrograde this month, and the effects could be more dramatic for the hard working Virgin. You must find your inner chill stoner Virgo.  Seek out an Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strain to utilize as your daily driver for the month.  Wedding Cake … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope June →

Stoner Virgo, get ready for an intriguing June.  Mercury and Saturn are in retrograde this month, and the effects could be more dramatic for the hard working Virgin.

You must find your inner chill stoner Virgo.  Seek out an Indica dominant hybrid cannabis strain to utilize as your daily driver for the month.  Wedding Cake should do nicely.  Mercury in retrograde affects communications with your fellow terrestrial astronauts.  The Saturn retrograde gives a two-handed shove of momentum to communication breakdowns in the work sphere.  But fear not my diligent stoner Virgo, with foreknowledge and your cannabis copilot, you will get through this difficult stage with all your precious glass intact.  One of the benefits of the Mercury retrograde is the opportunity to analyze your terrestrial station.  Use smoke sessions with the sacred herb to seek a higher perspective on your current work situation.  How much does work dominate your personal life?  Is there room to dampen down the perfectionist expectations on others while you delegate work tasks?  Perhaps you are bearing the load because of your direct actions?  Toke time to contemplate your actions and decisions in the work sphere, and how they can be adjusted to promote a higher quality of life in future periods.

Make it a mantra this month:  Chill stoner Virgo.  Perhaps put some soothing reggae music on top of your playlist.  But repeat this mantra over and over again.  June is not the month to take on arguments with coworkers or partners-in-chronic.  Yes, you might have to perform the difficult task of biting your tongue this month.  Put that argument in your pocket, and analyze it during a medicated meditative smoke session later.  Find your chill stoner Virgo, or insignificant moments of disagreement could become dramatic moments of argument. 

Chill stoner Virgo.  Everything is going to be ok.  A lot of this broad personal contemplation with the sacred herb could unlock massively progressive points of freedom within your spirit.  Accepting a lack of control while strengthening your self confidence could be a combination leading to spiritual freedom.  By the time the Full Moon on June 24th rises, you should be feeling like a new you.  Spark a bowl on this date, and celebrate the majesty of our universe, and your place in it.