Stoner Virgo you are a unique terrestrial astronaut flying through the galaxy on our cosmic spaceship.  You are a hard worker; organized in your routine and ambitious undertakings.  This month will provide a break from routine.  Prepare to feed your head instead of the to-do list in January.  There may be uncomfortable aspects to the … Continue reading Virgo Stoner Horoscope January →

Stoner Virgo you are a unique terrestrial astronaut flying through the galaxy on our cosmic spaceship.  You are a hard worker; organized in your routine and ambitious undertakings.  This month will provide a break from routine.  Prepare to feed your head instead of the to-do list in January.  There may be uncomfortable aspects to the second Winter month, but with the sacred herb as your spiritual guide, you can navigate these unfamiliar spaces with great personal progress.  Different isn’t a dirty word my anal retentive stoner, sometimes it can be an opportunity.

Stoner Virgo there is a specific opportunity presented by a universal influence to innovate within the work sphere.  In the days preceding the New Moon of the 12th, make time for a group strategy session.  If you are able to combust the sacred herb with your coworkers, perhaps ideas and plans will illuminate with the passing of a joint.  No matter the method or occupation, be sure to lead, communicate, and collaborate before the New Moon.

As a double dose of positivity, a universal influence will give a positive push to personal endeavors in the days after the New Moon of the 12th.  Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb, and take time for a passion project or hobby that has gone neglected during busy past periods.

Busy bird stoner Virgo.  There may be parts of January that drift without winds of action.  For an active stoner, the lack of motion can bring boredom or even depression.  Do not fight these moments of cosmic malaise stoner Virgo.  These moments are an opportunity.  Select an Indica cannabis strain from your sacred stash jar for these moments.  Toke time to reflect on the hurried and busy nature of yourself, and the world.  Perhaps you need a break, and now is the time.  It is in these medicated meditative moments with the sacred herb where you might find new direction in personal health.  Cosmic stagnation can lead to personal epiphanies.  Use the sacred herb to transfer moments of possible boredom or depression into moments of contemplation and recovery.  Feed your head stoner Virgin.  Take care of mind, body, and spirit.