Previous Episode: Virgo October 2018
Next Episode: Virgo December 2018

Stoner Virgo whether or not you practice yoga, or make a weekly trip to the gym, it will be important for you to remain flexible this month. Just like the seasons, your surroundings are constantly changing. As long as you are willing and able to adapt, you will be ready to handle any curve ball … Continue reading Virgo November 2018 →

Stoner Virgo whether or not you practice yoga, or make a weekly trip to the gym, it will be important for you to remain flexible this month. Just like the seasons, your surroundings are constantly changing. As long as you are willing and able to adapt, you will be ready to handle any curve ball the cosmos throws your way. With your chakras properly aligned, you will be able to share good vibes and great ganja with your closest partners-in-chronic.

It is recommended you stick to the sticky indicas this month stoner Virgo. Feel the body, ease the mind, and when needed use those calming herbs to stay grounded. Others are counting on you this month to be the stone which anchors them through rough winds. However, this does not mean you are responsible for their plight. As long as you are willing to stick with them through the highs and the lows, you will provide the support needed. Just do not over-promise! Be sure you are willing to go the distance, wherever the journey takes you. Otherwise you will hinder, not help, your fellow cosmic travelers.

For stoner Virgos who are responsible for leading others, it will be of the utmost importance to take stock of employees’ concerns. While HR may not be the most exciting part of work life, your response to dilemmas can mean the difference between setbacks or success. Stay calm, cool and collected when dealing with subordinates. An open heart and mind will inspire those around you, and will help to elevate the crew to an even higher level. If you are a stoner Virgo whose responsibility is to grind hard, keep crushing the workload. Even if you don’t hold a leadership position, your efforts and aspirations will inspire your peers to become the best version of themselves. Some say the sky’s the limit, but you have bigger plans and greater goals. While some may shoot for the moon, you should look beyond and set your sights on the stars!

Your inner light will burn bright throughout the month of November, and it will brighten the spirits of all those who cross your starry path. Be forewarned stoner Virgo, this period of prosperity comes with one tale of caution: Know your limits! While you may want to help everyone in your smoke circle, you can’t fire up others if you let your own flame burn out.