Previous Episode: Virgo December 2018
Next Episode: Virgo February 2019

Stoner Virgo as the New Year gets underway, you are likely to feel like the cosmic currents are pulling you in conflicting directions. Unfortunately, the planetary positions will affect your own inner alignment during this period. You may notice this dampens your self confidence and belief in your own abilities. Stoner Virgo the important thing … Continue reading Virgo January 2019 →

Stoner Virgo as the New Year gets underway, you are likely to feel like the cosmic currents are pulling you in conflicting directions. Unfortunately, the planetary positions will affect your own inner alignment during this period. You may notice this dampens your self confidence and belief in your own abilities. Stoner Virgo the important thing is that you are aware of this particular nuisance. By embracing this obstacle and facing it head on, you will be better equipped to overcome the challenges ahead. Now is the time to look to your cannabis compatriots for a helping hand. Keep your smoke circle close, and selective. While sharing can be caring, you want to know who you share the sacred sensimilla with.

The cosmos may be ambiguous in its plans for the near future, but you’re in it for the long hall. Go with the flow. This doesn’t mean you should be a passive observer to current events, but rather be conscious to avoid using force when unnecessary. It will take a focused effort, but you will be up to the challenge. You will experience the greatest success if you are able to strike a balance between personal goals, and how these internal aspirations are manifested externally. You have a strong desire to positively affect your surroundings. It all starts from within. Once you are able to align your chakras and find your inner peace, you will be a radiant source of light helping those around you see through the smoke.

Stoner Virgo revelations will come this January that will strengthen your bonds with your fellow cosmic travelers. The better you understand yourself, the greater knowledge and harmony you will experience with loved ones. Although you will not be able to rely upon the stars to guide you this month, you should remain confident in your own ability to reach your final destination. However, be forewarned: When it comes to your finances, any optimism should be accompanied by healthy skepticism. Debt and overspending in moments of glee, or when under the influence, could hurt you in future periods. Toke time to meditate with the sacred herb before making decisions involving large sums of money.

It’s a fresh start and a new year stoner Virgo. Enjoy many, hazy, ganja-filled gatherings with your fellow stoners. Just be sure you let the smoke clear before you begin any serious endeavors.