Previous Episode: Virgo December 2017
Next Episode: Virgo February 2018

Stoner Virgo you powerful, beautiful creature, the beginning of 2018 promises to be a magical time. The only requirement to receiving the positive cosmic vibes will be trust and confidence in yourself. Combust the sacred herb and meditate on your internal abilities. Your analytical nature helps you understand and know things not easily available to … Continue reading Virgo January 2018 →

Stoner Virgo you powerful, beautiful creature, the beginning of 2018 promises to be a magical time. The only requirement to receiving the positive cosmic vibes will be trust and confidence in yourself. Combust the sacred herb and meditate on your internal abilities. Your analytical nature helps you understand and know things not easily available to others. This stoner sixth sense is the intuition you were blessed with stoner Virgo. Dare I say your psychic abilities! This skill, blessing, or natural trait will guide you down the freeway of life in January.

Trust in yourself and your intuition will play a large role in both your business and personal spheres this month. Take time out with the sacred herb when you have moments of alone time. In that deep reflective meditative state with the sacred herb, listen to your inner voice and heed its guidance. Meditative smoke sessions like this will guide you through self reflection on the way to self improvement. This internal work will not only help you trust your own intuition, but assist you in being the leader your cannabis companions need. January will require self reliance. Any projects or tasks will be accomplished in a more timely manner if you go at it alone. However, there will be buds in your smoke circle that need your advice and counsel to help them reach their goals. Trust yourself and trust your instincts stoner Virgo.

Warning, objects are closer than they appear. Double check your blind spot stoner Virgo. When dealing with a mass of information, an important detail can slip by or catch you by surprise like a merging truck on the freeway. Be safe stoner Virgo and double check your blind spot on the road and with legal minutia. Use your analytical nature and intuition to check all the facts and don’t let those important details sideswipe you.