Previous Episode: Virgo January 2017
Next Episode: Virgo March 2017

Stoner Virgo the February time period should be a successful time for you.  Everything you are built for will benefit you during this cosmic stage.  However, Venus and the moon will collaborate to create a potentially explosive situation for stoner Virgos in the sphere of personal relationships.  With a cool head and planning, the February … Continue reading Virgo February 2017 →

Stoner Virgo the February time period should be a successful time for you.  Everything you are built for will benefit you during this cosmic stage.  However, Venus and the moon will collaborate to create a potentially explosive situation for stoner Virgos in the sphere of personal relationships.  With a cool head and planning, the February time period can be a great success for stoner Virgos.

The first third of the month will be crucial for the stoner Virgo.  Breathe deep and inhale the magical wonders of the sacred herb.  The first third will be a time period of personal reflection and planning.  All Virgos, whether you are stuck in the grind of the corporate machine or manage your own business, will have a great opportunity in February.  This opportunity is creation, advancement, and impact.  The first three weeks of this month should be spent meditating on how this cosmic gift will manifest itself.  In terms of love and friendship, be prepared.  Planning is important in a personal life as well.  Explosive circumstances with cannabis companions and lovers will have more negative impacts when they come unprepared.

The second third of the month will be time for action!  All of this meditative time spent on planning your next move should be unfurled and put into action.  That promotion, that next product line, that new startup adventure all are ready to be pushed forward.  February 10th is the time of the full moon.  Use this significant event to remind yourself the dangerous explosive cosmic bomb that lurks in the waiting for you personally.  Breathe deeply … soothe your nerves and calm your heart.

The final third of February will not be exciting for stoner Virgos.  There will be no cosmic unveiling of success from the planning and action you created in the first two-thirds of the month.  Instead, you must continue building, for the fruits of your action will be revealed in a future time period.  This is also the time to repair and or reward yourself for your actions in matters of love and friendship.  How will you perform with Venus and the moon acting against you in an explosive collaboration?  Your action will be the difference between repairing or rewarding yourself in the final stage of February.